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The SA National Climbing Federation is the official organization leading and governing competition Climbing in South Africa.
Perhaps our most important role is to provide the official path for competitive climbers to attain, provincial and national sporting colours and the path to the Olympic Games. To this end we are affilliated with SASCOC, the International Climbing Federation (IFSC) and sunscribe to the Olympic Code. Currently we are represented by provincial federations in five provinces, Gauteng, Western Cape, Kwazulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga.
The primary objectives of the SANCF are centered around fostering growth in the number of climbers and enhancing the competitiveness of our athletes. Firstly, we aim to promote the sport of climbing by assisting our clubs and provincial members to develop outreach programs, training camps, and competitions at various levels to attract new participants and encourage them to embrace climbing as a recreational activity.
Furthermore, we are dedicated to investing in the development of our athletes by developing specialized coaching, performance analysis, within the regions and clubs and supporting their participation in national and international competitions. Through these initiatives, we aim to cultivate a vibrant climbing community, nurture talent, and elevate our region's overall standard of sport climbing.